Tummy time helps infants strengthen their neck musculature, round out their heads and increase visual tracking. It is important that a baby is supervised during tummy time. Here are a few tips to making tummy time more enjoyable:
- Have the caregiver lay on their back on the floor and place the child on their stomach on the caregiver’s stomach.
- Start with short bursts of time and work up to longer periods of tummy time
- Place preferred toys on the floor to increased participation
The tummy time is also known as prone extension. Prone extension is an anti-gravity position which looks like the superman pose. Have your child lay on the floor and co-contract their upper and lower extremity. This position involves endurance, motor planning, and body awareness. Below are the norms for each age:
Age | Length of time (seconds) |
4 | 18 |
5 | 31-60 |
6 | 63-77 |
7 | 90-119 |
8+ | 120-138 |
Make this activity fun:
* By making it a family challenge
* Have the child lay on their stomach during screen time
* Lay in front of your child have them reach for you
* scooter-board activities on their stomach to provide support at trunk