I attended a floortime approach conference which is all about matching a child’s affect to increase joint interaction. Floortime meets children where they are and builds upon their strengths and abilities through creating a warm relationship and interacting.

I have incorporated some of the principles in practice and am enjoying the progress in play skills with the children I treat. If your child is young and just making noises then I suggest making the same noises back and keeping it at the same tone and inflection. It may start a back and forth conversation.

With children who tend to play by themselves, I tend to join them with parallel play. If they grab a dinosaur I simply state “ oh me too” grab a dinosaur and perform the same actions.  I am looking to get a few back and forths with a kid and then work towards more adult-directed tasks that are complex. 

Three Principles of Floortime

  1. Follow your child’s lead
  2. Challenge them be creative and spontaneous
  3. Expand the action and interaction to include all or most of her senses and motor skills as well as different emotions